Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Update till today

Handed-in my 9-month report last week, my progress report for unimas yesterday and my presentation will be on Friday 11:40am Studio B Huxley Building Imperial College. I am very nervous even thou I have prepared much. However, I am still scared that I might forget what I want to say or might say the wrong thing or worst of all, I confuse my audience, which I have the tendency to do so.

Surfed the web and found a pdf file at http://research.microsoft.com/~cburges/papers/KDD2005.pdf
Title: Geometric methods for feature extraction and dimensional reduction, a guided tour
By: Christopher JC Burges
Description: It generally gives an overview of the several geometric methods for feature extraction and dimensional reduction. The methods are divided into projective methods and methods that model the manifold on which the data lies. The goal of this tutorial is provide readers a review of the concepts and mathematics underlying the discussed algorithms.

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