Wednesday, February 15, 2006

when setting environment in ~/.cshrc

Make sure there is no space in between argument in $PATH, otherwise you will get an error msg that says 'setenv : too many argument'

This will lead to unable to locate the libvtk***.so libraries

Monday, February 13, 2006

Jacey's emacs

% emacs ~/.cshrc

alias pd pushpd
alias e emacs -geometry 81x71+380+0

setenv PROJECT_DIR $HOME/projectCVS
setenv QTDIR /homes/jl/qt4
#setenv VTKDIR /vol/vtk/vtk-4.5.0
setenv VTKDIR /homes/jl/vtk/VTK
setenv CMAKEDIR /homes/jl/Cmake

setenv PATH $PROJECT_DIR/linux/bin:$QTDIR/bin:$CMAKEDIR/bin:$VTKDIR/bin:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $QTDIR/lib:/homes/jl/tmp/vtqt:/homes/jl/lib/vtk
setenv MANPATH $QTDIR/doc/man
#setenv QMAKESPEC $QTDIR/mkspecs


QT installation


Installation steps in Linux:
1) download QT
2) gunzip (qt-XXXX.tar.gz)
3) tar xvf (qt-XXXX.tar)
4) ./configure --prefix=/homes/jl
5) make
6) make install

At last!!!



Installation steps in Linux (only):
1) download CMake in
e.g. cmake-2.0.6-x86-linux.tar.gz
2) cd (to $HOME)
3) mkdir cmake
4) cd cmake
5) gunzip cmake-2.0.6-x86-linux.tar.gz
6) tar xvf cmake-2.0.6-x86-linux.tar
7) tar xvf cmake-2.0.6-x86-linux-files.tar
8) download source code, cmake-2.0.6.tar.gz
9) tar xvfz cmake-2.0.6.tar.gz
10) mkdir cmake-bin
11) cd cmake-bin
12) ../cmake-bin/boostrap --prefix=($HOME)/cmake
13) make
14) make install

At last!!!!!!

CMake, VTK, QT Installation

For the last 2 weeks (excluding this week), I have been spending most of my time installing, building opensource programs - CMake, VTK and QT! Many problems arised were mainly due to my typical laziness and inefficiency in organising and managing my work.

Last Thursday night, I've decided (as advised by Raj, as usual) to manage all the programs in one workstation. Well, I was stubborned in the beginning, but now I am left with no choice but to proceed with his "brilliant' suggestion. ;(

Today, Geoff from CSG came to reinstall my windows and Linux! Managed to install CMake (hopefully I did it correctly), now QT..later tonight, VTK.

More Infor:
CMake infor can be found in
VTK in
QT in

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